
View Products Overview

Collect information to use in contracts and agreements.

Create contracts swiftly through templates, AI, or create and edit your own.

Route contracts seamlessly for editing, review, and approval.

Easily work with internal and external participants to edit and redline contracts in real-time

Capture secure, compliant, and legally binding signatures on any device.

Connect to the systems you use daily, or build into your application with our APIs.

Embed eSignatures on Your Site or Application

View our Pricing & Plans for a detailed list and comparison of features available in each plan.

Embedded signing creates a unified signing experience ensuring a smooth, branded experience for signers by allowing you to integrate document preparation, sending, and signing into your existing website or application.

In this article:

Embedded Signing

Embedded signing allows signers to access and sign documents directly from your native app or website using a secure iFrame. 

  • Users won’t have to leave your site to sign a document creating a seamless experience from launch to submission. 
  • Users do not need a Docubee account to sign, review, or submit via embedded signing.
  • Receive your final signed document directly to your inbox or automatically route it to your storage with a webhook.


Creating a custom branded experience is a great way to increase your brand recognition and instill trust in your customers. However, the benefits of embedded signing from Docubee go far beyond that.

  • Secure
    • Worrying about compliance and signature validity is a hassle for many growing small businesses. All signatures collected through Docubee’s embedded signing interface are legally binding and secure, so you can worry about growing your business — not verifying signature legitimacy — signatures collected through Docubee feature audit trails and tracking.
  • Saves Time
    • Creating an embedded signature for customers and clients gives you an easy way to review submissions. Instead of sending things via email or following up, you’ll automatically get notified when a request is made through your form or document.

Embedded Signer

An embedded signer refers to the user accessing an embedded document to review and sign on your site. Embedded signers do not require a Docubee account. They should access the form, fill in their information, sign, and submit the document via your website or app.

Embedded Request

An embedded request refers to the signature request you can create on your site. This can be useful for sales team members who need to add unique terms to a sales document and send them to potential clients to review and sign.

Set Up Embedded Signing

For an outline of an end-to-end document signing process please refer to Embedded Signing.

Is Docubee Embedded Signing Similar to DocuSign Embedded Signing?

Yes! Docubee embedded signing is comparable to DocuSign embedded signing. However, using Docubee embedded signing gives you more document sends, flexible pricing plans, and a lot more customization options than you get with DocuSign. Customize colors and logos to fit your branding or white labeling to fully remove Docubee branding – a feature not offered by DocuSign. Embedding is possible through the Docubee API.

Related Information

Embedded Signing
How To Use API eSignatures from Docubee (Blog)
Docubee API Reference
Additional Resources

Need more help getting set up? Contact us for assistance from our customer support team.