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How to Use Conditional Logic to Simplify Your Processes

Published: June 4, 2024

The TLDR; Conditional logic makes processes easier by automating workflows using if/then logic. Do more in a single workflow, without having to do extra work, with the help of conditional logic.

Traditional automation can save countless hours of busywork. Yet teams using predefined sequences alone might struggle to customize their workflow automation to fit their unique situation. 

That’s where conditional logic comes in. Using special rules, it’s possible to set up conditions that trigger an automation tool to change what task comes next. This allows teams to automate in a way that plans for commonly-occurring situations and minimizes manual intervention.

What is Conditional Logic?

Conditional logic is the process of changing a sequence based on predefined conditions. It’s applied in a lot of different ways, from the essentials of logic to advanced computer programming. In business processes, it can be used to streamline automated workflows and forms. One conditional logic example uses a classic “if-then” relationship: “If the user does not complete task by [date], generate a reminder and mark as overdue.” If the user completes the task on time, the condition isn’t met and no alert will be generated.

An Example: Branching Conditional Logic

Often, conditional logic needs to account for complex possibilities in a sequence. In that case, most systems will turn to something called branching conditional logic. Let’s use a flowchart to illustrate this idea. In the example we used above, the conditional statement was: “If condition [user 1 doesn’t complete task by date] is TRUE, generate a reminder and mark as overdue.” This is represented in option A below. 


In branching logic, the statement would also specify that if that condition is FALSE, the system must mark the task as complete. This is represented by option B in red. As you can see, the logic has two possible branches that depend on the condition fulfilled.

In this case, after option A or B is complete, the system sends an email with the current project status to the team manager (step C.) 

This is a simple example of a branching statement, but more complex conditional statements could create more branches.

In Docubee you can use a “Logic Branch” task type in a workflow to conditionally route users based on their previous inputs.  For example, you can put settings in place that require a signature from your legal department if a contract is between you and an out of state provider.

Using Conditional Logic in Forms

Businesses that need to automate large volumes of paperwork can benefit from applying conditional logic into their practices. This can help with generating forms while ensuring the right info gets collected each time.

When it comes to using conditional logic in forms with Docubee, you can conditionally show or hide inputs based on previously collected information. For example if a user filling a tax form indicates they have 2 dependents, you can set your web form to prompt the user for the name, relationship, and age of those 2 dependents. This can be done on a workflow’s “Web form” or “Fill and Sign” task or in Docubee’s Quick Sign form builder.

3 Common Conditional Logic Use Cases in Docubee

Wondering the best place to start with conditional logic? Here are three common ways Docubee clients use it in their daily work. 

1. Expense Approval Form

Conditional logic forms can be used to manage common expenses, such as rental agreements or invoices. For example, some expenses may need additional approval once they hit a certain threshold – say $10,000. To ensure these forms are flagged appropriately, users can create a conditional branch for costs equal to or greater than $10,000 – automatically sending those forms to appropriate leadership for approval. Alternatively, if costs are under $10,000, the form will be sent directly to the next party in the workflow. 

2. Employee Hiring & Onboarding

Businesses interviewing and onboarding different employees can set up conditional logic branches based on job position. Take onboarding, for example. Since the initial tax forms are the same for all full-time employees, the same paperwork can go out to all onboarders. From there, the workflow can be designed to branch off based on position details (department, title, hourly vs. salary, and so on.) Workflows can dynamically branch back together for additional paperwork everyone has to fill out. This creates one dynamic yet uninterrupted process accommodating multiple scenarios.

3. Report Review and Approval

Reports are often reviewed, revised and approved by multiple departments and stakeholders. Branching conditional logic can help streamline the process. 

For example, a fire department might establish conditional branches to model approval levels for their chain of command. If a firefighter or paramedic submits a special report, the workflow can assign the lieutenant as first approver and the battalion commander as final approver. But if the submitter is a captain, the automation tool sends the report straight to the battalion commander.

Similar logic can be applied to any organizational hierarchy for processes that require reviewing, editing, and approving reports. 

Best Practices for Conditional Logic in Docubee

Docubee can help teams streamline their workflows while customizing to individual scenarios. Here are a few best practices to ensure you get the most out of our conditional logic.

Link Your Branches Together

In most workflows, you don’t have to build out two completely separate processes. If the ending segment is the same for all participants, they can join at the end. Our earlier infographic illustrated how this rejoining might work.

In our use case involving a task due date, the end process was the same whether option A or B was triggered. In other words, whether a reminder was sent or the task was marked complete, management was emailed the project status in step C.

Use Reminders & Escalations for Conditions

The more conditions you have, the more places that can backfire in the workflow. For example, if a manager forgets to review a contract waiting for their approval, it may never be sent to the customer, resulting in a lost business deal.

A simple alert can prevent such an oversight. Users can set single or repeating reminders for additional approval branches depending on the situation. 

Adding an automatic escalation can provide another layer of due diligence. Let’s say the same manager keeps forgetting to review the contract despite repeating reminders. After a certain time period or number of reminders, the contract can be automatically escalated to the next manager. This ensures the approval process doesn’t stall.

The Benefits of Docubee’s Conditional Logic

Conditional logic is a powerful way to streamline your documents, forms and workflows. The ability to create automated branching based on conditional inputs can make a huge difference in streamlining your processes and putting workflows to work for you.

Docubee customers enjoy the hassle-free ease of built-in conditional logic. Just a few benefits include:

  • Saved time: Don’t design a form or workflow for every individual scenario. Using conditional branching, streamline multiple processes into one responsive view.


  • Automated branching: Conditional branching can automatically sort participants into branches – eliminating redundant data entry and confusing, irrelevant steps.


  • Dynamic field views: Conditions can require fields from certain users, show more or less depending on input, and hide fields irrelevant to certain roles and permissions.


  • Automated notifications: Trigger specific confirmations, notifications, and reminders depending on input.

Want to learn how conditional logic saves your business time? See our fact sheet for more information.


FAQs About Conditional Logic

What is meant by conditional logic?

Conditional logic is simply the process of adapting a sequence based on different conditions. It’s applied in many fields. In automation, it can help tailor a repeatable process to predictable changing circumstances.

What is a conditional logic question?

A conditional logic question is any question asking about how a particular event would affect a given outcome. It doesn’t have to be technical – we actually use these questions every day. For example, “If I have to get gas before I get home, will you pay me back?”

What are the types of conditional logic?

One of the most recognizable forms of conditional logic involves the “if-then” statement we discussed in the previous question. But there are other types of conditional logic, including if-then-else statements and while loops

An if-then-else statement adds a third option in case the “if-then” condition isn’t met. In programming, a special syntax will be followed depending on the language being used. In spoken language, this might look like, “If you buy me lunch, I’ll pay you back. Or else we can split the tab evenly.”

A while loop is a way of repeating a sequence only while a certain condition is true. Again, these statements will follow specialized programming syntax. But in everyday terms, a while statement looks like, “As long as you’re under 18, you’ll live by your parents’ rules.”